Masterclass on Unnecessary, Avoidable and Problematic Plastic Products and Polymers
UNEP and Open Universiteit

About This Course
Master Class on Unnecessary, Avoidable and Problematic Plastic Products and Polymers
Welcome to the Masterclass on Unnecessary, Avoidable and Problematic (UAP) Plastic Products and polymers. The aim of this masterclass is to provide you with essential knowledge, tools and resources to understand and address plastic pollution from these types of plastics, including in the marine environment.
This Masterclass is developed by the Open Universiteit in close cooperation with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), within the framework of the Global Partnership on Plastic Pollution and Marine Litter (GPML). Masterclasses are short courses that are ongoing, free of charge and can be taken at your own pace. The Masterclass offers state-of-the-art information and can be taken in part or in full, and in the order of your preference. The aim of this and future Masterclasses is to provide an introduction to specific topics of interest related to plastic pollution and marine litter, with links to science-based resources to support further self-led learning and informed action.
The Masterclass was made available in October 2023 and remains available for you to study at your leisure.